Here's the third chapter illustration and a blurb from the story for context.
“I’m so sorry about this.” She said, her voice heavy with regret.
Raining paused, the air of the playground suddenly changed and he was left confused. He squinted and stared at her. “What do you mean?”
Thunder knocked himself out of his post teleport nausea ready to go at it again when he saw a snowball smack the side of Raining’s head. but it didn’t explode, instead…
Raining collapsed.
“Lead?” Thunder saw the object fall to the ground beside him. The colt from earlier reappearing into view with a smile on his face.
That wasn’t a snowball…
It was a rock.
interested in getting your own jowyB commission like this one? please do not hesitate to message me (as long as there is no tight deadline and its not NSFW) i am available to create what you envision.
until next deviation friends
until next deviation friends
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Instagram: JowyB (original content then fan stuff)