The red one is Apple Blossom and the child of Fluttershy and Big Mac. She is a rebel and loves to play with animals but is very rugh to them. Her best friend is Rainbow Boom because they are doing pranks together on other ponys. Inside she is shy
The light blue pony is Rainbow Boom. He is trying to fly much faster than his mom Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Boom has even do her Sonic RainBoom (yes haha she named him after this) after his second fly. But he is really calm when he plays with his father ,Sorian , hide and seek, so he can also be differend. Aaaannnd he is more into guys
The comepletly white one is Emarald, she is the beautiful Pony-Half-Dragon child from Rarity and Spike. She hates when her mom try her dresses on her. But behind her back she does jewellery`s and put them on the dresses of her mom. Sometimes she can resist an eat some of the jewells, she have id from his dad. Emarald is loyal and bit cold heartet
Next to Emarald is Super Nova, the daughter of Twilight and Flash. She is so powerfull but cant control her magic. Her teacher is magic is Flurry Heart and also she is her best friend. Sometimes she plays with the stars, she can move them. Her mom is so confiused when the stars arent at there plays. Nova is a little night owl and also hates to read books. She dont even want to be a princess but she is a borned Alicorn and her mom trys to make her to a real princess. She is a dreamer and likes to be with her friends, but she dont sleep often so she is a bit crazy sometimes
The dark blue one is Midnight rain. He is the younger brother of Rainbow Boom and is a bit emo. He is often alone but likes to do something with his friends. He is the shy one in this group and can`t fly very good. Most of the time he bring some rain clouds to Equestria and sit on them. Midnight rain loves rain and dark clouds so he made himself a neckless
The pony in the middle is Cider. She loooovvveesss to flirt and plays with other ponys feelings. She is the child of Apple Jack and Caramel. She made Cider and sell it to other ponys. But she is not a pony who makes her hoofs dirty so she is not helping Apple Jack with the farm. Cider is romantic and flirty, it`s hard for her find friend with this personality but she found six ponys who are really good friends
The last one is Strawberry Cheese Cake (named only Strawberry) and is the child of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwitch. She have a hard life because her father is working hard and her mom trys to make her kids happy but it`s hard for her too. Strawberry is hyperactiv and loves to bake with her mom. Her sock on his leg is her cristmas sock, she sleeped inside it when she was a little filly
this is with a base: