"After making redesign of Spike from g5 of My Little Pony, I decided to bring justice to all dragons from that show. They're just clones of each other, and they look as hybrid of a dragon and a pony (models of dragons are too similar to pony models, and for some reason all female dragons have manes… I mean this is not a bad idea but all of them have same hairstyle).
So talking about redesign. I choose Blaize Skysong for first for few reasons, mainly because she seems to be the most important dragon after Spike on Isle of Scaly. In my world where g5 is actually good Blaize is the eldest of new generation of dragon (this is part of my rewriting, I will back to this later), whats makes her elder sister of group. To show her character through design I decide to make her edges sharp using mane (on purpose is similar to Spitfire and Lightning Dust) and spikes on her body. This make her for first glance menacing and dangerous but the more ponies and fans knows Blaize, the more they see her protective side. For the colors I decided to stay with original color palette but change this a little (adding new color on claws and horns, spikes on a spine are only cyan for some sense).
And I think thats everything what I want to say. So… If you want, you can choose who I should redesign next."