

Name: Demeter

Nicknames: Demi

Parents: Celestia and Applejack? Aspen? (not sure yet other than Celestia as one parent)

Gender: Female (she/they)

Species: Unicorn with deer features

Sexuality: Unlabeled

Siblings: ~

Special talent: Blessings

Personality/random facts:

-Can "bless" anything, bringing it good fortune. Often blesses farmer's crops bringing in a good harvest or has even blessed couples who are having a difficult time trying for a baby


-Calm and gentle

-Has a very elegant aura and composure

-Very light on her feet just like a deer

-Eyes sometimes creep ponies out, especially since she has a bad habit of staring without realizing

-Loves nature and spends most of her time outside. Because of this they often have leaves/wheat/other fauna stuck in her hair

-Loves to read, often goes into the Everfree forest to the castle of the two sister's just to read

-Has a beautiful singing voice but refuses to sing around anyone

-Her hair is a mess after she's slept

-Loves her aunt Luna and especially as a kid she always wanted to stay up with her for Luna's nightly duties


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