For those of you who have been here since the beginning; you might recognize these two as former next gens from my first attempt at a cast for a next gen. They actually came from two different ships (SoarinJack and SpitDash respectively) before I said 'fuck it AppleDash rights' and made them sisters.
So here we have Limelight and Mourning Dove~!
Lime is an engineer and always finding ways to help improve functionality around the farm as well around Ponyville. She's got a knack for inventing little contraptions and has plenty of prototypes and such stored away "just in case". She's a workaholic like her ma but she's also boastful like her mom, showing immense confidence in her gadgets (even if they literally blow up in her face). She wants her gadgets to be known throughout Equestria and beyond, and she's working hard for it.
Mourning is… kind of stoic? She's also a bit of a worrywart thought she tries not to show it. She's actually not easily scared what with her talent; she helps guide lost spirits and brings them to rest. It's a talent she wishes she could change at times (spirits can be powerful sometimes depending on how restless they are) but knowing she can help bring closure to a family in pain makes her feel a little better about the whole ordeal. She's been known to sleep at the most random of times and in the most peculiar places. She works in an antiques shop where most of her encounters happen; mostly by accident.