Strawberry Cheesecake is the middle child actually, he just had a good growth spurt in comparison to his older sister Cherie Choco i.e. who got the nickname Che-Che from him as a foal cause he couldnt say her name properly
Cherie likes to man the bakery a lot and make good sweets with the cakes, likes her aunt maud quite a bit. [her secret favorite of the mane six is Rarity, she always enjoys hearing Rarity's day and mimics her make up]
Strawberry Cheesecake is a stand up comedian as he hasnt gone out to try being a party pony somewhere else, he has a specific comedy style instead of a wide array to help make everyone laugh like his party pony parents just yet. He's a big mama's boys, he loved being around pinkie pie a lot as a kid and actually was a tiny bit shy….for the family standards
Lil Cheese im pretty sure is just a nickname but for what im not sure
also no obvious cutiemarks cause this was just gonna be quick