Rainbow: Frightened Stay away! They're making you sick! You don't want these!
Pinkie: But we dooooo! We want coooOOOoooOOOookiieeees!
Rainbow: More frightened Please! Stop! I never-! In her headWait! What am I doing?! I'm the most awesome cool pony! I shouldn't be acting like a coward! I've got to delay 'em! I've got to distract 'em! Hmm! Hmm!
Just as the zombies cookies get closer…
Rainbow: Now fired with determination DIE, YOU COOKIE LOVING UNDEAD! DIE!
Everypony: Surprised HUH?!
Rainbow then kicks one of the support beams that's holding the whole barn up!
Everypony: In alarm No! Wait! DON'T KICK THAT-!
But, it's already too late as the whole barn crashes down on top of everypony!
Everypony: As the roof falls in on them OHHHHHHHHHHH!
Rainbow escapes by bursting through the destroyed roof. She hooves above and sees several hooves breaking through and grasping at the air
Twilight: From underneath the rubble Rainbow Dash!
Fluttershy: Also from underneath the rubble Get back here!
Applejack: Rainbow, don't make us come out there!
Rarity: We hate it when you do this!
Everypony: RAINBOW!
Rainbow: Laughs at the sight before flying off Good show!
Snips: Uh, Twilight?
Snails: Did you mean to let Rainbow have the whole roof fall in?
Snips: Yeah, all the way?
Twilight: Now annoyed I always….mean what I do! You pair of utter pillocks!
Everypony: Groans in annoyance, disappointment and humiliation