
[ EDIT: As of 1/29/2013 this event has been closed to anymore ponies wishing to join in, as it is the closing date today! Thank you for all joining in this event and by 1/30/2013 I hope to be giving out your secret valentines! Thank you for understanding and I hope that next year you all will join in again for a 2014 Secret Valentine! ]



What is this? Basically its a Secret Santa type of project, you can LIKE or REBLOG this image and you will be paired up to someone (secretly only I and you will know who you got). And your goal is to draw a gift for that somepony and post it on February 14th as a Hearts and Hooves Day suprise to spread the love~! You have the week of Hearts and Hooves (aka Feb 14th — Feb 21st) to post your drawing!

What will this require? Nothing but the ability to write or draw, and a good heart! So if your interested in joining I will be taking ponies in till January 29th to add to the list, and that same day you should be having the pony you will be drawing for!

What Should I draw/write?Anything pertaining to the pony you recieved in the exchange! You are welcome to make suggestions on what you will like your Secret Valentine to draw for you, and you may note it to me in a ask or well actual note if you wish it to remain secret. Be sure to have good refs of your ponies too so that whoever recieves you can draw or write the best they can! You can have them doing whatever, just try to make it Hearts and Hooves day related ~

What if theres a odd number and somepony doesn’t get a Secret Valentine? Don’t worry, If there is ever a odd number I will be taking on the last slot and drawing the Secret Valentine for them, the same goes for if someponies Secret Valentine cannot deliver there valentine or simply well…just doesn’t give anything. Then I will be gifting that pony to make up for them.

If you have any questions your welcome to note me on here, or note me on my deviantart account if I forget any information then I will be sure to add it if you remind me I hope I got this right! And I hope you all will join in on this Secret Valentines Day and make this a wonderful Hearts and Hooves day for everypony!


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