
I've always wanted a bat pony alicorn (I actually had one, but I sold it), but I didn't really know how to get it. Because I have always been hindered by the thought of what if people won't like it? Or worse, they'll hate it. Because the community doesn't really like alicorns.

But if it worked for two famously good artists ( Kilala aka Kianamai and Lopoddity ) then it will work for me too. Maybe…..

I transformed an old character of mine into an alicorn and she got a new, more appropriate cutiemark that better symbolizes her power. Pumpkin Patch is an alicorn witch. She doesn't want to be a princess or take over the Equestria. Just scaring others and doing witchy things. She problaly from Skyros

Thanks for reading this shit

Pumpkin Patch © me


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