Personality in general: Balanie is has a very down to earth attitude, but do not get on her bad side, she will crush your soul…
Fatal flaw: She can be a bit personal in arguments and she smokes
Likes: The art of tattoing and piercing
Dislikes: The cold
Favorite food: Hayburgers
Favorite book: None
Favorite pony: Everypony is her favorite
Favorite song: Paul -Big Thief
Favorite place: Saddle Arabia
Least favorite Food: Chocolate
Daily life
Place of residence: Manehattan
Occupation: Tattoo artist /Piercer
Talents: The art of using gold in her crafts.
Hobbies: Listening to music, drawing and going out.
Friends and family
Mother: Fabia Steed
Father: Papillio Kahura
Siblings: None
Cousin: Harsh Steed
Lover/spouse: None (OPEN)
Offspring: None
Best friend: Mellow Mare
Pets: A Black and yellow pet snake named Goldie
Other info
Backstory/past: Balanie was born in Saddle Arabbia, her parents moved there for a job opportunity her father got as an archeologist.
She was definitely different from her peers due to being from Equestria… But life was good.
As she grew up, the art and intricate chlothings she had the chance to grow up with inspired her to create her very first piece of jewlery, which granted Balanie her cutie mark!
She worked very hard all the way up until she turned 21 years old. With all her saved money, she moved to Manehattan to open her very own body-art shop, where she hoof-craft everything.
It was instantly a hit due to the intricate and foreign concept of body-art in Equestria.
She reconected with her Equestrian family when she arrived and became very good friends with her cousin and his little family. Especially his wife Mellow Mare! They all visit eachother every other weekend.