Rarity looked around at the void… a void full of nothing of all nothingness… feeling worried.
"Oh, I should be back at my Boutique by now." Rarity said to herself, still looking around the void. Suddenly, she heard noises, noises from another pony. Good thing she's not the only pony in this void.
'Hmm… Another pony?' The Fashionista thought to herself, putting a hoof to her chin, "I do suppose I could talk to her." So she did. She walked to a familiar pegasus from Zephyr Hights named Pipp Petals (watching something on her phone), really slowly as she thinks of what she'll say if she met the pegasus from another generation.
"What are you watching, darling?" Rarity asked, very curious of what she's about to witness.
"OH MY GOODNESS! Are you?" "Rarity?" She asked, "Yes, I'm a noble fashionista at three of my boutiques at Mainhattan, Canterlot and of course, Ponyville. You must be Pipp, right?"
"Why yes." Pipp answered.
Rarity puts a hoof to her chin again before asking, "Now darling, what are you watching?" "Oh, right! The video." Pipp replied, pushing play on her phone, "Watch this."
As Rarity sat with her on the beanbag and watch the video of a compilation called, "Pipp's Top 10 Most Epic Fails" in which this video has 13B Views up until now. Somehow Rarity enjoyed it. It made her chuckled a bit, but at least the two are having fun.