This time around, we filled out the ranks of the top commanders for three of the Emperors of the Sea. An Emperor is only as great as their right hand (er, right hoof) officer, and luckily for them, One Piece has plenty of those!
First up is Braeburn the Phoenix, First Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. He's a pretty friendly fella, all things considered. Very helpful and exuberant and always seems to bounce back no matter happens to him. Plus Marco and Braeburn are just the best bois.
Then we have Shining Katakurmor, Sweet General of the Big Mom Pirates. The consummate big brother to that very wild and crazy family, he's secretly more than a bit of a doof. But if you mess with his siblings then you'll find out too late what a power house he truly is.
Finally, we have Autumn Blaze the Wildfire, the All-Star Lead Performer of the Beast Kingdom Pirates. Underneath the mask they wear is a very different person, one who burns bright hot!