Usually in most ravenger groups, most of the members know not to mess with one certain member that is easily angered, such as Redhorn or Lockjaw. Even mares can be dangerous, such as a pegasus named Swappart. Swappart is an interesting mare, since she is sometimes called a step sister to Bonehead due to both ponies collecting similar things. But, except for bones, Swappart collects parts of ponies or other creatures and puts it on herself as some creepy looking armor.
She got her cutie mark after making her first "armor". It's unknown where she came from; some say she was a former nurse that suddenly went crazy, while others say she was already a psychopath herself
As for her enemies, there is a chance to avoid her, and that is to give up one of their parts to her. If they don't, Swappart will be taking that certain part by force. Besides her killer motives, She is surprisingly somewhat able to communicate with, but there is no way to make her good
Her Rainbow01 au counterpart has a similar story to the FoE counterpart, tho a bit different.
She is inspired by the creepypasta of Pinkie Pie wearing the body parts of her friends…