Andy Panda as Mickey Mouse June as Minnie Mouse Woody Woodpecker as Donald Duck Daffy Duck as Goofy Lofty as Pluto Winnie Woodpecker as Daisy Duck Toad as Toodles Wally Gator as Pete Princess Daisy as Clarabelle Cow Tennessee Tuxedo as Ludwig Von Drake Tiny Bubbles and Backstroke as Chip and Dale Wally Walrus as Willie the Giant Woodstock as Bella Chilly Willy as Figaro Thumper as Butch Yakky Doodle as Boo Boo Chicken Gogo Dodo as Mr. Pettibone Toadette as Quoodles Toadsworth as Goofles Playful Heart Monkey as Coco the Monkey Tenderheart Bear as Santa Claus Love-a-Lot Bear as Mrs. Claus Geppetto as Mortimer Mouse Little Miss Curious and Little Miss Sunshine as Baby Red Bird and Mommy Red Bird Annie and Madeline as Millie Mouse and Melody Mouse