/r/ Mon 20 May 2024 00:00:58 No.41094252 506 MareQuest Name Challenge.png, 152KiB, 430x381
Challenge: Pick a mare and you CAN'T have them allude to being or doing anything lewd with a brief background. Once that's done, lewd 'em up if you want.
Draw Thread Anonymous Mon 20 May 2024 02:30:38 No.41094487
>Loose Crack is a craftsmare who has never seen a piece of furniture she couldn’t fix, counting everyone from the residents of Cloudsdale to Canterlot’s elite among her varied clientele. [snip]
Anonymous Mon 20 May 2024 18:42:46 No.41095643 40 live reaction.jpg, 86KiB, 720x694
>41094613 The royal guard when Loose Crack comes in to fix the throne