It is not a pony, rather it is an accumulation of magic cutiemarkcrusaiders, it itself does not have a mark and magic (since it is the embodiment of magic), while it has a physical shell since it appeared from energy, magic and the spirit of strong friendship after the death of the entire trinity, has character traits of all three ponies and suffers from depression and thoughts about her existence, is not a gendered creature, but if she did have a gender, it would be more likely female, lives in Canterlot Castle under the supervision of princesses and retinue
Since in the future Sweetieck Dreams will become an alicorn (this will happen long before their death, in one of the animations), she will give her all of herself not only because she loved cutiemarkcrusaiders during her life and especially Sweetie Belle, but also because she you will have to be close to her and protect her from dangers