Bionics description anima liver: Roots spreading through the body, this one goes where the liver should be. Boosts blood circulation and coagulation while strenghtening the immune system. Enhances magical meditation. anima kidney: Boosts natural healing and enhances magical meditation. anima lung: Allows the owner to meditate better and massively strenghtens neural heat dissipation. anima stomach: A wooden pulsating mass, with anima sap inside it, it blesses everything the person eats. Enhances magical meditation. anima spine: An anima trunk holding the body together, sending roots all over the body, strengthening it. The roots are less sensitive to pain and strenghtens neural heat dissipation. anima heart: A heart made out of multiple dryads, which helps the user's blood circulation and closes wounds quickier. Expands and strenghtens the owner's magical abilities anima carrier leg: This leg shares a psychic bond with a special kind of dryad, granting supernatural strenght. Enhances magical meditation.