
Name: Panic Attack
Gender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Sexuality: Pansexual
Significant Other?: No

Panic Attack is the ponification of everything I see wrong with myself. Scared, anxious, paranoid. So, he has one eye that's smaller than the other, to represent me being terrified of like everything. He has two drop shaped marks on the sides of both eyes because I tend to beat myself up for whining/crying too much, and he has dark marks under his eyes from lack of sleep. His wings are wrapped in some places and he cannot fly well. Some days he's able to do more, but other times it suddenly strikes him that he can't and his wings will just lock up on him (like how I'll have times where I'm really happy then suddenly I'll feel really sad out of nowhere). He has marks on the backs of his front hooves (that he was BORN with, he does not self harm, but it's meant to represent that I used to). His cutie mark is a symbol that can represent many things but in this case it stands for anxiety. His only purpose in life is to have no purpose, basically, like how I sometimes look towards my future and get scared and see myself as if I'm useless. In a relationship, he would simply be afraid of things that wouldn't happen and worry a lot about them, perhaps even obsess over them, though they wouldn't be asking them to tell him they're okay every two minutes.


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