For the girl, I'll say she's the older sister. Ginger Rose. She's a pegasus like Pound and also has the fluffy hair Flurry has. Ginger's probably such a cinammon roll.
The boy would be named Cinammon Cake, but he considers his own name as boring, so he would be nicknamed "C.C"
C.C would love his grandfather, Shining. He's his inspiration, he wants to become a royal guard when he's older. He likes to imagine himself in the future as the most powerful guard. He wishes he could have wings as the rest of his family… He's Pound's boy for sure.
Ginger would grow learning at her mother's side. Even if she couldn't do magic by not having a horn, she'd study as much as she could to be enough to someday rule the Crystal Empire with her mother.
For me, both of them would love staying at Sugar Cube Corner, specially with their grandmother, Ms. Cake and their aunt Pumpkin Cake.