And original designs for comparison and design notes under the cut:
Tulli worked with me a bit more on Luna. We decided to have her in a regency era dress, which matches the period of time that she was banished during (the 1820s); in stark contrast is Celestia’s more modern art deco dress from the 1920s. Also in contrasts: Celestia is structured and rigid with bold lines while Luna is flowing and organic with flowers and rounded laces. Regency dresses are very youthful-looking without a lot of frills and stiff parts, while still remaining very regal and elegant. Her dark fabrics have, Epiphyllum oxypetalums, or “Princesses of the Night,” embroidered on them. Her color palette was given a more cool tone to match her original design’s palette.
Within the story of the AU, after returning to Canterlot, Luna cuts her hair (the source of a witch’s power) short to temper herself. She wears a blue veil meant to look like her show version’s hair to cover Nightmare Moon’s face, which is always silhouetted in the back of her hair. The blotch on her left breast is meant to reference her cutie mark. Probably a scar from her banishment.