Also, this is the same admiral who sent Captain Becky Ray Shoichet and the USS _Sunset Shimmer NX-61613 from Veridian III to Deep Space Nine to combat the invading Aridaginatans, leading to a Federation victory at the 2398 Battle Of DS9, one of the legendary battles of the onging Aridaginatan War. However, Clancy's actions causes the Aridaginatans to rile up over their loss, leading them to time travel around the sun with their queen to the 21st century to try killing Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbow. This also causes Shoichet's ship to pursue the Aridaginatans from 2398 to 2019 Earth, too, to stop them from murdering Sunset and the Rainbooms. She later congratulates and debriefs Captain Shoichet upon the latter's return to 2398.