
Every time I see this guy I always hear Voltair in my head. So I had to draw him playing a violin. Then I made it a Gold violin for Discord's association with Tartarus, being assumable one of the off spring of Akidna, the mother of all monsters. We know MLP must have a Tartarus…or Hell…because of the appearance of Cerberus, the three headed hell hound, another off spring of Akidna. I dunno, it's a head canon of mine that Discord is not a deformed pony or a creature made into an immortal demon but rather he was born/created this way. I hate the head canons of him being Starswirl. I like the idea of an idealistic world such as Equestria having a Hell and like to think Discord is from Tartarus. Kind of a clumsy way of putting it, I'll tidy up this description at a later date.


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