S-s…Serenity? Is this what you have been planning?
H-hello there White Feather. I was um waiting for you.
Sweetie, the heater just started, are you not cold?
Kinda, the bed is not getting any warmer with just me.
Were you waiting with all of these? Roses, candles,…?
Mhmmm…Um, do you see something you like then?
Sweet Celestia, I love you.
W-well, I'm all yours you stud.
It's a blustery cold night on the mountains, and these two have a whole chalet to themselves. Sometimes the heater is just not enough to beat the cold.
Gosh, acting sexy and all can be so embarrassing. Still, I'm sure it can be arousing. Seriously though, now is not the time for all of these questions if there's a cold mare over there.
Wow, I finally got another "sexy lingerie" piece out. Even though so many of my pieces are about lovey-dovey, bedroom activities, this is only my second piece to be blatantly provocative. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy adorable cuddling ponies too. It's just very fun to design such exotic attire, even if there's not much fabric to work with.
What a perfect way to celebrate such a new marriage. Going from a beautiful dress to sexy lingerie, Serenity is certainly not waiting to experience their passionate love.
Gosh, this was a really nice piece to paint. Although this was not too technically demanding, the lighting was quite something to focus on. These two are so cute too, I can't wait to work on them more.
I hope y'all had a fun-filled St. Valentine's Day, however romantic you want to celebrate it. Just remember to care for your loved ones. And I guess practice safe sex—whatever that means.
And settle down boys, ponies don't normally wear clothes anyways.
Commissioned by WhiteFeather0
OC Serenity and White Feather from them.
Featured in Equestria Daily's Drawfriend #2171. Huzzah!
Fun Fact: Pony lingerie has always been one of the pinnacle enigmas of the pony clothing culture. Studies in the area of fashion have noted that: the articles of clothing relate often to erotic activity, apply pleasant pressure to erogenous areas, and that "ponies don't normally wear clothes". Many pony researches believe the last note as the main source of contention.
Somehow it didn't need a saucy warning. I wonder what it takes to get a saucy warning :3 `