
Yamamoto Rainbow Dash, second character release. In this AU, Twilight didn't decide yet who will be her right-hand man btw Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, even in the story, Pinkie Pie appear before RD, but still Twilight can't think about it cuz she thought two of them are good friend. RD in this AU is funny, enjoyable, positive thinking yet she has a talent about baseball, Reborn said RD had sense of killer, it appears first time at Crytal Heart arc (Varia arc) that she had to fight with Superbia Shining Armor (I think about his relationship btw Twilight and Shining Armor, first time that I write this, he is Twilight's big brother including Cadence, but now I have to cut it out and make relationship btw brother, sister in law became unclear instate so Shining Armor can do whatever he want like mocking RD or losing his temper easily like Xombra (is Sombra but I wanna keep the concept X in his name like Xanxus)


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