Wait? Even me? Mmm hmm.
I love you.
I am strong friends with you too.
This makes no sense at all.
Someday when you're older you will understand.
Well- I'm pretty old now.
How old do I have to be?
I don't know. 12?
In pony years? Dog years? Months?
Heh. I dunno.
Rarity, the season's almost over and we don't have a bad guy lined up.
But we just finished episode 12!
I just want to let you know that I'm your mother.
Also here's a horn; you've earned it.
Uh… I already have a horn.
Fine; you want a second tail, a pair of wings, or an extra pair of legs?
That second tail sounds lovely.
Got an extra liver in there? I got a massive cider contest coming up.
Eh… sure, why not? I have a degree in biomancing; I may as well put it to work.
I regret asking for just a pair of wings now.
I know, right? We have horns; we can probably just levitate or teleport to wherever-the-heck we want.