
A piece I've been meaning to do for awhile but other things kept getting in the way. In the Northern Hemisphere swimsuit season is behind us. So think of this as a reminder of warmer times from just a month or so ago.

Carousel paused and stretched her back. She and Petina had just finished changing and were heading over to the beach side bar where the 4th Annual Lake Heron Wet T-Shirt Contest would soon be taking place. With the immediate task completed she glanced over to her right to find Rumble and Button Mash two of the colts from Ponyville staring at her and Petina. She smiled at them.

"Hi! You guys having fun at the beach?"

The two colts nodded there heads in unison. Finally Button Mash spoke. "Um, yes. Uh, are you?"

The earth pony grinned. "Yes! Yes I am! Petina and I are going to be entering a. " She pointed at the bar. "A competition in a bit."

Rumble spoke. "Can we watch?"

Still smiling the palomino mare shook her head. "No dear, I'm afraid you can't watch."

"Why?" Asked pegasus colt.

"Because you're both too young." said the mare.

Button's swallowed. "Um, my birthday is in a couple of weeks!" The colt exclaimed. The propeller on his beanie had slowly been picking up RPMs the whole time they'd been talking and was now spinning with a high pitch whine.

Carousel giggled sweetly. "Congratulations, but I'm afraid you'll still be too young."

"Why?" Asked Rumble again.

Carousel's smile never left her face as she leaned forward and looked the colt in the eyes. "Maybe you should ask your parents why." She paused for a second and then shot Rumble a mischievous grin. "Actually maybe you should ask your older brother Thunderlane. Rumor has it he might have some Interesting insight on the matter. "
Why you!

About this time I flew down and landed. Then myself and the two mares walked into the bar. The colts watched us enter and then headed off in search of Rumble's older brother.

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