
This comic is based on the following short story by Kassaz:


Rarity lay on her back, in her chaise lounge, with a bucket of icecream on her pregnancy. A more appropriate spot would’ve been the nearby table, or even the floor, but empty buckets occupied those positions and more, making her resemble a mare who had finished furiously painting. Standing before her was Sweetie Belle.

“What’s wrong, Rarity?” Sweetie Belle didn’t really care, she just wanted some icecream; by now, she was accustomed to Rarity having her episodes, and for the past few months her behaving normally had become the episodes. If she could distract her long enough, she could scoop out some of the icecream before Rarity finished inhaling it.

Rarity started telling some long story about some hoity toity pony at a fashion show. “Then, he, he called me fa-a-aa-a-aaat!”

“You are fat.” Sweetie Belle was blunt.

Rarity started wailing again and, worse, eating out of Sweetie Belle’s bowl.
safe2495958 artist:flash equestria photography727 imported from derpibooru3669900 rarity254773 sweetie belle68671 unicorn594570 fanfic:short stories with pregnant ponies3 belle sisters396 belly52078 blatant lies1786 comic150686 commission135327 crying63759 fainting couch1278 female1987489 food115931 horn199314 ice cream7436 insult553 lying down55880 marshmelodrama1039 on back39710 on side10780 preggity429 pregnant19708 rarity being rarity609 sensibly-proportioned pregnancy139 siblings24269 sisters19658 standing28873 story included14028 text105722 wall of text892


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