I love how in the series they behave like a couple and I honestly ship them, both Minkie and Derpy :) My redesign of Minkie Pie is asexual and a lesbian (bc screw Reitanna for hating lesbians) while Derpy Hooves is Asexual and Pansexual.
Minkie's new cutiemark is a lock with a heartshape key in it surrounded by yellow buttercups and I made Derpy Hooves kidcore themed giving her colorful bandaids that covered her scratches and wounds from bumping into things when flying, her cutiemark is rainbow bubbles, her mane is messy since she rarely brushes it (Just like me.. in some cases) and she wears a little chew necklace since (like me) she stims by chewing.
Anyways, BubbleLock or Minkerpy (or idk, Derpinkie?) is my comfort ship <3 !!!