i've made at least halfway progress through all my commissions and customs, so i just have to do the other half when i get back! see you then! other than that, stimpower lore ahead.
every year since i was little, i have watched the 2005 MLP special: A Very Minty Christmas. it's just become a family tradition at this point, everyone in my immediate family has seen it, whether they like it or not. the second it turned December, we all chant "That's what I love about Christmaaaas, hard to beleive that it's almost heeeere", and keep it up every few days.
Honestly, the movie (if you can even call it that, it's not even an hour) raises more questions than answers. do the horses have a Christ? what biblical events occurred in this world that came to the creation of Christmas, which simultaneously is in line with the very real existence of Santa Claus??? and is that Christ human? Santa is shown to be human in a little horse puppet show int he window, with reindeer and everything. will God allow sentient horses into his kingdom when the time comes? or am I to believe that Santa Claus the begotten son of God—
POINT IS, it's a very silly little movie. poor neurodivergent Minty is at odds with her own mind and commits what is frankly terrorism on multiple occasions, ruining their beloved holy horse tradition. everyone is pretty chill about her shattering their candy cane (which honestly, i feel like they could've just made a new one, it seemed at the beginning of the movie they made it pretty quickly), and somehow even more chill about her knocking over the entire christmas tree. it's honestly a wonder that Minty hasn't been excommunicated by her community, but Pinkie Pie has a crush on her or something so it's all okay, and she manages to convince the town not to feed her to the wolves, and instead send her into the frigid North Pole unarmed, alone, and unmedicated. great job Pinkie! although the most horrifying part of this movie is Rainbow Dash. i know it is for me… i'm so used to gen4, her voice is a slap in the face every time lol
it's a cute movie, but i would recommend watching it with a friend or alcohol, otherwise you're going to be underwhelmed, bored, and lacking witty unnecessary commentary towards a kids movie. the songs are banger though, the opening scene is absolutely iconic. THATS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT CHRISTMAAAAAS, HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR!!!!! [horse ice skating intensifies]