
Name: Cherry Cordial

Nicknames: CC

Gender: Male

Species: Pegasus

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual

Place of birth: Cloudsdale

Currently lives: Ponyville

Personality: Helpful, supportive, creative, warm and friendly

Likes: Cherries, his girlfriend Pixie Crystal

Dislikes: Rude ponies, having his kindness being exploited

Hobbies: Cooking and baking, especially cherry-related foods

Talent/ability: Baker

Backstory: Cherry Cordial first met Pixie Crystal when the latter graduated from Ponyville's TAY program. The two got along very well due to their love of cooking and baking, to the point where they eventually got together.

It's important to note that Cherry and Pixie got together before Melody Everbelle and Prince Wei did.


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