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Stellaria Lore


MoonTech is an organization sanctioned by the crown and with its base of operations in Lum City but has factories and refineries across Stellaria. MoonTech has three primary divisions which are responsible for much of the technology and products within Stellaria.
MoonTech has three primary divisions, each run by a member of the Royal Council mistresses.
-Division 1, Logistics. Headed by mistress Seline Nightfire, Logistics is responsible for power within the nation as well as the safe transport of goods and citizens. The Logistics division handles the mining and refining of Spellstones in order to provide the nation with power.

-Division 2, Medical and Sexual Science. Headed by mistress Aurora Eclipse is responsible for Stellaria’s medical and sexual sciences. Working directly with the royal nurses as well as with the Royal Science Division, Division 2 works to eradicate all disease, as well as to create new and exciting ways to pleasure the citizens of Stellaria.

-Division 3,Engineering and Maintenance. headed by mistress Sariphina Moonshadow, is responsible for tech development and maintaining of said tech within Moontech. From the F-76 fighter to Gamesquare gaming systems, Division 3 works to help advance the technological state of Stellaria.
MoonTech’s CEO is mistress Nyx Shadowmoon. She, along with the other three division headmares, works to ensure that the company works and flows together like a well oiled machine. With funding from the crown and the support of the brilliant minds in the Royal Science Division, MoonTech helps to make the way to a brighter, shinier rubber future~

Employees of Moontech wear each wear a latex suit which corresponds with their division and bears their teams symbol.

Division 1, Logistics: Light Blue

Division 2, Mecical and Sexual Science: Pink/Purple

Division 3, Engineering and Maintenance: Red/Orange


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