Griffonian Empire (Political Advisors) Name: Iris Silverclaw Born: not in the game yet, if it is, I’ll write Trait: Unhindered Scientist
- Requirement - One of the following must be true: - Has completed national focus - “Fund the Southern Universities” - Has completed national focus - “The Feathisian Cadet Schools” - Has completed national focus - “A Place of Higher Learning”
- Effect - Political Power Gain: −15% - Research Speed: +5%
- Cost - Political power: 150
Biography: not in the game yet, if it is, I’ll write
Author of the Portrait He gave me permission to add this Portrait to Derpibooru. Author of the Portrait: NotoriousNostalgia
Information on Ordering Portraits of the Artist: - Sketches: free!! - Basic art: $20 - Portraits: $50 - Full detailed art: $100
Discord Username: NotoriousNostalgia#6537 X: The Angry Artist @NotusNostalgia Deviantart: Steam:
Support Our Artists Please check our and support our artists below. Many EaW artists are happy to do commissions.
About Commissions Commissions in EaW — Portrait commissions can be included in the mod, complete with a custom description. Note that acceptance of portraits and selection of a suitable nation are at the discretion of the EaW team.
Disclaimer — Artist commissions are the responsibility of the artist, not the EaW team. We recommend you do due diligence in commissioning an artist, and agree in writing on clear expectations, timeframes and conditions for payment or refund.
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