Allura found herself another cave. She hoped that she would be safe this time. Suddenly, a giant, purple figure stirred awake. Allura quickly bolted.
"Hey, wait! Stop!" The figure bellowed.
Allura halted in her tracks.
"I wasn't doing anything!" Allura pleaded.
"Why did you run away, then?" The figured asked.
Allura opened her mouth, but no words came out.
"Were you looking for somewhere to stay?"
"I…I was."
"Then you're welcome to stay here for the night."
Allura took a step back. "How do I know this isn't a trick?"
"Trust me, I'm not that kind of dragon." The figure walked up to Allura. "Plus, the weather looks too harsh for somecreature like you."
"I've been through worse." Allura gazed at the flurries outside. "However, I'll accept your offer."
The dragon rested in the middle of the cave. Allura laid beside him.
"I haven't seen a creature like you before," said the dragon. "What brings you to the Dragonlands?"
"Something that was out of my control," Allura replied. "I'm trying to find my way back, but not a single creature wants to help me. They always run or attack before I can get a word out."
"Then let me help you." The dragon draped his wing over Allura. "I may not know where you're from, but you could say I know a thing or two about travelling."
"Th…thank you," said Allura.
"What's your name, by the way?"
"Allura. What is yours?"
This was something I did for Spike Day (January 16th).