"Thank you all for coming to this Privy Council meeting at such short notice, I deeply appreciate your attendance. Firstly, I apologise for my lateness, I was held up by a matter of State involving the Griffon kingdom that overran."
"Now, we are primarily here to discuss the construction of the next wave of new homes on the grounds of New Sanctuary castle. My aide will be arriving momentarily with copies of Cain's plans for each of you, and we can decide if these are an acceptable first draft, or if there is room for improvement. "
"Beyond that, I wanted to float the idea of a few additional facilities to be built in the same area, such as granaries, bakeries, a blacksmith's forge, et cetera."
"Then we will get to the final item for today. I know that this is a somewhat contentious matter that each and every one of you have a strong opinion on, but we must discuss the matter of further fortifications and earthworks, and another layer of curtain walls with a gatehouse for what will eventually become New Sanctuary."
"If you are ready, my fellow Children of the Night, we just have a few moments to wa… Ah, Azalea, you have arrived right on time, as always- thank you! If you'll kindly hoof a document pack to each of the other attendees and keep a copy for yourself, we may begin!"
Hey everyone,
Nightshade- First Among Equals, Lady of the Nightkin, Blessed Child of the Forest, Bearer of the Noctis Crown, and Chief Justice of New Sanctuary- these are all titles that she is associated with since her appointment as leader of the Nightkin refugees and their rebuilding efforts since making Sire's Hollow their home.
She has come a long way, both metaphorically and literally since she escaped the Sundering and arrived in the town of Sires Hollow, where she became a teacher in the local schoolhouse. Now married to Cain, a human man from Montana, USA, and in the very early stages of pregnancy with twins, she has become so much more than the frightened doe that crept nervously into town six years ago.
Trained for governance by her mother, Dame Oleander, and the Equestrian Princesses, she now cuts an impressive figure in the political scene of Equis, negotiating lasting mutually beneficial relationships between the wildly differing species of that world.
As mentioned before in previous articles, the Nightkin are now an Equestrian protectorate and have incredibly close ties with ponykind- even using Bits as their currency — and having Equestrian IDs and Passports. In effect, though they are rebuilding their own civilisation, they are modelling much of it directly from the Equestrians, as they feel that is what works best.
The rank of "Lady" effectively confers the same rank as "Princess" would to a pony, but the Nightkin are a democratic people who elect their leaders, even if the ranks themselves have Royal sounding names and connotations.
It should be stated here that while most Ladies end up serving lifetime terms due to the love of their people, they can and will be impeached or otherwise removed from office if they are particularly incompetent, or can step down to make way for another just as Dame Oleander did.
As for her demeanour, Nightshade is level headed, quick-thinking, friendly to a fault, and always considerate of the needs of others before herself. However, she is more than capable of throwing down when the time comes, and has also continued taking combat training to this day, just to keep her skills as sharp as her iron-hard antlers. Just in case, of course. She is not arrogant, and is very much a relaxed leader, who knows exactly when to delegate a task or do things herself.
Of course, now that she is with child, that combat training will have to cease until she has had a chance to recover from childbirth and regain her strength. Her and Cain are currently coming up with names for their children, who will both be biologically Nightkin due to the way that the interspecies conception potions work- however, as an interesting note, these children will likely have more human eye and mane colours, and some human psychological traits.
This has already been noted in the children of human-pony relations, and while it sounds alarming at first, these psychological factors are all positive ones thus far, and have not caused a single issue in the hundreds of interspecies children conceived using these potions.
"Now, we are primarily here to discuss the construction of the next wave of new homes on the grounds of New Sanctuary castle. My aide will be arriving momentarily with copies of Cain's plans for each of you, and we can decide if these are an acceptable first draft, or if there is room for improvement. "
"Beyond that, I wanted to float the idea of a few additional facilities to be built in the same area, such as granaries, bakeries, a blacksmith's forge, et cetera."
"Then we will get to the final item for today. I know that this is a somewhat contentious matter that each and every one of you have a strong opinion on, but we must discuss the matter of further fortifications and earthworks, and another layer of curtain walls with a gatehouse for what will eventually become New Sanctuary."
"If you are ready, my fellow Children of the Night, we just have a few moments to wa… Ah, Azalea, you have arrived right on time, as always- thank you! If you'll kindly hoof a document pack to each of the other attendees and keep a copy for yourself, we may begin!"
Hey everyone,
Nightshade- First Among Equals, Lady of the Nightkin, Blessed Child of the Forest, Bearer of the Noctis Crown, and Chief Justice of New Sanctuary- these are all titles that she is associated with since her appointment as leader of the Nightkin refugees and their rebuilding efforts since making Sire's Hollow their home.
She has come a long way, both metaphorically and literally since she escaped the Sundering and arrived in the town of Sires Hollow, where she became a teacher in the local schoolhouse. Now married to Cain, a human man from Montana, USA, and in the very early stages of pregnancy with twins, she has become so much more than the frightened doe that crept nervously into town six years ago.
Trained for governance by her mother, Dame Oleander, and the Equestrian Princesses, she now cuts an impressive figure in the political scene of Equis, negotiating lasting mutually beneficial relationships between the wildly differing species of that world.
As mentioned before in previous articles, the Nightkin are now an Equestrian protectorate and have incredibly close ties with ponykind- even using Bits as their currency — and having Equestrian IDs and Passports. In effect, though they are rebuilding their own civilisation, they are modelling much of it directly from the Equestrians, as they feel that is what works best.
The rank of "Lady" effectively confers the same rank as "Princess" would to a pony, but the Nightkin are a democratic people who elect their leaders, even if the ranks themselves have Royal sounding names and connotations.
It should be stated here that while most Ladies end up serving lifetime terms due to the love of their people, they can and will be impeached or otherwise removed from office if they are particularly incompetent, or can step down to make way for another just as Dame Oleander did.
As for her demeanour, Nightshade is level headed, quick-thinking, friendly to a fault, and always considerate of the needs of others before herself. However, she is more than capable of throwing down when the time comes, and has also continued taking combat training to this day, just to keep her skills as sharp as her iron-hard antlers. Just in case, of course. She is not arrogant, and is very much a relaxed leader, who knows exactly when to delegate a task or do things herself.
Of course, now that she is with child, that combat training will have to cease until she has had a chance to recover from childbirth and regain her strength. Her and Cain are currently coming up with names for their children, who will both be biologically Nightkin due to the way that the interspecies conception potions work- however, as an interesting note, these children will likely have more human eye and mane colours, and some human psychological traits.
This has already been noted in the children of human-pony relations, and while it sounds alarming at first, these psychological factors are all positive ones thus far, and have not caused a single issue in the hundreds of interspecies children conceived using these potions.
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