My Little Pony 2 is a 2027 live-action/animated comedy fantasy film, directed by Raja Gonsell, and production of Hasbro Entertainment, and Columbia Pictures, and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. The film is the sequel to the 2025 My Little Pony movie, based on the animated television series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It stars Charlize Theron, Jacob Tremblay, Zendaya in live-action roles, while voice cast are: Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St. Germain, voice reprising as Mane Six, Michelle Creber, Claire Margaret Corlett, Madeleine Peters, voice reprising as Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo), and Cathy Weseluck, Kelly Sheridan and Kathleen Barr voice reprising as Spike, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon.
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