[bq](OUTDATED)Bad End AU: After training.
Cosmic sat on the wooden floor, he and Vixen just ended their training session with their mentors. Connie poked his head out from the library "Hi! Welcome back, how did it went?" Cosmic took off his hood "Phew,I feel like i never want to use my magic again in a week" Vixen snorted "Did mom really went that hard on you? I knew she was teaching you a new spell but geez" Cosmic chuckled "Yeah, you know her, how did your training with Shining go?" Vixen averted her eyes "I-i'm really close at beating him you know? That old man has his tricks, i just need to discover them" "Sure, just don't let him hear you calling him 'old man', i don't think he will appreciate it, did you find anything new Connie?" Connie's eyes lit up "Oh yes! There is this new book that i would like to discuss with you" "Sure thing, but let me rest a little bit please",
A noise came from the kitchen, and Datura appeared with some tea "Hello, would anyone want some? It's a new blend i made!" everyone made a slight grimace noise, Vixen tried to make her point as kindly as she could "Datura, i really appreciate it, but…i know you make all your potions in the kitchen and i don't want to turn into a frog again" Datura gasped "That was one time!" "And what about all the others times you turned Cosmic and Connie into animals?!" "Hmph fine, but you are missing out some good stuff!" and she went inside the kitchen again.
Two minutes later,they heard a "POOF" and Datura had turned into a lizard. Cosmic had to turn her back again into a pony.
"![Pixel sparkle divider":https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/b46861d4-f830-4896-8af6-71206fe2fe78/d9z9lqj-82a63c9b-de45-44ca-90bb-8dcfccb56f89.gif(https://www.deviantart.com/empressofroses/art/Pixel-sparkle-divider-603430219) "![Pixel sparkle divider":https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/b46861d4-f830-4896-8af6-71206fe2fe78/d9z9lqj-82a63c9b-de45-44ca-90bb-8dcfccb56f89.gif(https://www.deviantart.com/empressofroses/art/Pixel-sparkle-divider-603430219) "![Pixel sparkle divider":https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/b46861d4-f830-4896-8af6-71206fe2fe78/d9z9lqj-82a63c9b-de45-44ca-90bb-8dcfccb56f89.gif(https://www.deviantart.com/empressofroses/art/Pixel-sparkle-divider-603430219) "![Pixel sparkle divider":https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/b46861d4-f830-4896-8af6-71206fe2fe78/d9z9lqj-82a63c9b-de45-44ca-90bb-8dcfccb56f89.gif(https://www.deviantart.com/empressofroses/art/Pixel-sparkle-divider-603430219) "![Pixel sparkle divider":https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/i/b46861d4-f830-4896-8af6-71206fe2fe78/d9z9lqj-82a63c9b-de45-44ca-90bb-8dcfccb56f89.gif(https://www.deviantart.com/empressofroses/art/Pixel-sparkle-divider-603430219)
Here are the kiddos of the Sun Rising Rebellion (fav.me/ddznghy All of you already know Cosmic Hope\~
\-Vixen Blaze (red pony) is the adopted daughter of Sunset Shimmer. Half pony half kirin, she was found by Sunset on one of her expeditions looking for the elements. She is the muscle of the team, using brute force is her speciality.
\-Conundrum (hair down, glasses) or "Connie" is the oldest son of Moondancer and Zecora, a true bookworm. He can unravel any book you put in front of him.
\-Datura Essence (hair in buns, unicorn) is the youngest daughter of Moondancer and Zecora, a potion maker apprentice. She is brilliant, but a little messy in her workspace.
#mlp #nextgen #zecora #moondancer #sunburst #mlpfriendshipismagic #mlpnextgeneration #sunsetshimmer #nextgenerationmlp