> She had just taken a step off the bathroom mat when a new sound perked her attention. At first it sounded like distant, muffled voices beyond her wall. Then it quickly morphed into a gaggle of yelping outside her window. It was fortunate she forgot to put the bath mat close to the shower, as the long stride she had to take to step onto it put her out of range when someone came crashing into the bathroom window and fumbled through it. Gigan, groggy from the impact but otherwise okay, stumbled to his feet with the dislodged window frame still stuck around his neck. Sparking in a few spots, the cyborg whacked himself on the side of the head to reorganize his visuals and put his glasses back in place.
> Sight returned to him in time to see a screaming woman with a towel wrapped around her….
> Based on The Bridge by Tarbtano https://www.fimfiction.net/story/121836/40/the-bridge-a-godzilla-mlp-crossover/chapter-29-part-1-siren-dame
Tags: crossover godzilla mylittlepony thebridge
Published: Feb 28, 2020 (2020-02-28T02:22:56.000Z)