
Announcing Moonrise Animation! by HydrusBeta, 2015-02-07T22:10:13Z

[bq]Hello everyone!
I am working on a four-minute animation to Harmony from the album Moonrise: A Symphonic Metal Opera by The L-Train and Friends. This is by far my most ambitous animation project to date, and will likely take at least another year and a half to finish. I'm taking the time needed to produce every shot at my best quality. The screenshot above is an example of how the finished animation will look.
A complete animatic is uploaded to my Youtube account, here:

And if symphonic metal is your thing, I encourage you to check out the entire Moonrise album here:
Note that Harmony is the only song from Moonrise that I intend to animate.

The Moonrise lettering was designed by Haylizbeth: "![:iconhaylizbeth:":

Since the animation is still very much a work in progress, everything shown in the animatic is subject to change (and lots of tweaking). I'll probably post screenshots and updates here on my deviantArt every now and then.


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