- \ Somewhere, Lyra’s human sense began to tingle. —-
This picture came out of a notion that I've had after seeing various fan arts from the series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". In those fan arts I had seen some of the characters been humanized. Such as in this picture done by johnjoseco
However, it occurred to me, "Why hasn't anyone done a picture that shows the transformation from pony to human?"
Even my friend darkdp had said that no one else had done anything like this. Which I found rather surprising.
Anyway, for a while I thought about giving this idea to one of the artists that I commission. I even had the idea of giving it to lionheartcartoon or spiritto and have them animate it. Which would be a nice thing to see. Unfortunately, it would be expensive as hell. So after talking about this with my friend cl0ckh3art I was convinced that I should draw it myself.
It took roughly a week to finish it.
The part that was tricky was imitating the lineart style of the show which required me to use the pen tool. I still think that tool is evil. But eventually I was able to do it.
The part that I'm most proud of are the transition pictures that you see in the bottom left corner where you see that transition from Rainbow Dash's light blue tone to the more human-like tone. All done with the opacity setting in Photoshop layers.
And now I must give credit where it is justly do.
The background that you see in these pictures was not done by me but rather it was done by the-smiling-pony that you see here: