Diamond Tiara's wife and mother to Spun Sugar, Feather Kicker, or otherwise known as Alula (only in situations where no one will confuse her for her doppelganger, Princess Alula.), is a writer and loves her wife more than anything, having had a crush on her when they were just fillies, but never got a chance before the situation with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Diamond Tiara gave her a chance to be a better pony… and broke up the previously inseparable friendship of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, who had previously been her rival. After Silver Spoon's actions, she and Diamond never truly repaired their relationship, and Alula took her place. Eventually, she got the chance to confess again, without the awkwardness of the classroom interrupting them. And this time, Diamond Tiara said yes. Eventually, they married (and Alula will never hear the end of it from her big sister Cloud Kicker) and had their daughter together. Now, she always wears the wedding present Diamond gave her; the old tiara she wore as a filly.
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