After a particularly taxing day working at the local bookstore in Canterlot, Velvet went straight home to treat herself to some classic movies and ice cream. What she didn't know was that there was unwanted company waiting for her. The second she walked through the front door and set her keys aside, she felt two pairs of rough hands seize her from the shadows. Velvet didn't have any time to look over her shoulder before her arms were pinned behind her back and a large strip of tape was sealed over her mouth. Velvet futilely called for help behind her taped lips as one of the interlopers wrapped her upper body in duct tape. As soon as her captors were done binding her, Velvet was marched upstairs and locked in the closet of her bedroom. From inside the closet, Velvet strained her ears to listen in on the hushed conversation between the masked kidnappers. Apparently, they figured that kidnapping the mother of the Princess of Friendship and holding her for ransom could earn them a lot of money.
Velvet sighed as she sagged her shoulders. While she was undisputably proud of her daughter's literal crowning achievement, she realized she was now suffering the implications of being related to royalty. Despite her feelings of panic and dread, Velvet then felt a small glint of hope. Twilight and her friends squared up against far worse threats to Equestria than a couple of masked thugs that broke into people's homes at night. But then again, there was the issue of Twilight figuring out where her mother would soon be held for the foreseeable future.
Oh, Twilight, why couldn't you have become a school principal instead? Or even a bookseller? Velvet bemoaned internally. Judging from how much her abductors began arguing about what the ransom price should be, Velvet could already tell that she was in for a long night. So much for a night of R&R…