When everyone's backs were turned, Bon Bon put her spy skills to use and snuck after the shady staff members. The next few minutes were spent taking a few twists and turns down a series of corridors until she eventually spotted the men unloading their bags. Bon Bon hid behind the wall closest to her as she strained her ears to listen in on the conversation.
"You think anyone noticed us?" the shorter janitor asked.
His taller partner shook his head. "No way. It's almost closing time, the last of the tour groups are on their way out. And our guy in the security team just took care of surveillance for us. Those safes are ripe for the picking."
Bon Bon narrowed her eyes as she saw one of the shady goons pull out what looked like a large contraption that resembled a leaf blower.
"You sure we're gonna need that thing?" Short Goon cocked a brow at his companion.
Tall Goon tilted his head. "Trust me, man. I've been wanting to give this thing a spin for a while. Especially if we got someone tailing us!"
The goon quickly turned his head and aimed the device straight at where Bon Bon was hiding. She gasped as she instinctively dove to the right just as a large glob of pink substance was launched in her direction. The S.M.I.L.E. agent whipped her head up and her eyes bulged at the sight of what appeared to be a humongous wad of bubblegum stuck to the wall's surface.
"What the heck, dude?! I thought you said no one was following us!" Short Goon shrilled.
"I was just fibbing to draw her out! Just shut up and grab her!"
Short Goon hesitantly ran forward to seize Bon Bon, who easily maneuvered her way past him and landed a few good punches in his back and neck. The fake janitor fell to the ground right as Tall Goon fired another bubblegum blast right at Bon Bon. She tried to lean out of the line of fire, but it was too late. Bon Bon's entire upper body was encased in sticky gum as she was hurled right into a large box of candy. A spike of pain arched through Bon Bon's back as sawdust and gummy bears scattered into the air. She struggled to get back up but found that her arms were pinned to her sides, and the bubblegum binding kept her trapped on the floor.
The short goon Bon Bon clocked staggered back onto his feet, rubbing his sore neck. "Nice shot."
Tall Goon smirked as he towered over where Bon Bon was pinned to the ground. "The Bubba-Blaster 5000. An old Whizz Mix prototype that was meant for birthday parties. Too bad it ended up getting rejected."
"I can see why," Bon Bon grunted as she squirmed to break her arms free from her gum prison. She then arched her head toward the doorway and prepared to call out for help.
Taller Goon then aimed the nozzle of the bubblegum blaster right at Bon Bon's face. "Scream, and you get a faceful of chewing gum."
Bon Bon pressed her lips as she glared at her captor.
Short Goon scrunched his face confusedly. "Isn't this where you demand what our plan is and what we're gonna do to you?"
Bon Bon rolled her eyes. "From what I can tell, you idiots are planning a robbery and you got a bunch of rejected lethal candy machines to help you with that."
"You're smart, I'll give you that." Tall Goon scoffed. "And I guess this is where you give us the usual spiel of how we'll never get away with this, and we make sure you don't get in our way."
"I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of some old spy film cliche," Bon Bon snarked.
Short Goon smirked at his partner. "Well, you know what they say. Gotta make your own entertainment somehow."
Tall Goon reached over the wrecked storage box and pulled out a roll of decorative green wrapping tape. "Couldn't agree more."
"Don't even think about it," Bon Bon warned.
"It's either this or a bubblegum mummy. Your choice, lady," Tall Goon retorted.
Bon Bon glanced between the goons' snide expressions and the deadly Bubba-Blaster 5000 aimed between her eyes. The S.M.I.L.E. agent sighed defeatedly. "Proceed."
The tall goon obliged as he grabbed the back of Bon Bon's head and wrapped the green tape around her mouth. She winced as the sticky tape pressed uncomfortably against her cheeks and lips. The tall goon then stepped back and grinned triumphantly at his handiwork.
"I gotta say, this is a better look for you, sweetie."
Bon Bon growled an insult behind her gagged mouth.
"I'll say." the shorter goon sauntered forward and caressed his hand down Bon Bon's left thigh.
Bon Bon reared her leg back and thrust her high-heeled foot right into his crotch. The robber howled in pain as he doubled over onto the floor, clutching his private area.
Tall Goon shook his head. "Get up, man. That money isn't gonna load itself."
"W-What about the fat chick?" Short Goon choked out.
"Hhy!" Bon Bon yelled in offense.
"She's not going anywhere. By the time someone finds her tomorrow morning, we'll be long gone," Tall Goon assured him.
Short Goon sent a deathly glare at Bon Bon, who stared coolly back at him. "Whatever." the robber readjusted his janitor cap and slung a duffel sack over his shoulder before exiting the room.
Tall Goon strode over to where Bon Bon lay on the floor and pressed his foot down on both her ankles. He then leaned down and traced his hand around Bon Bon's hips and behind.
"Mmpphh!" Bon Bon wrestled futilely to kick at the taller goon.
"My partner was half-right. You're not that fat… But you're definitely packed in all the right places."
"Ghh th Trrthrus!!" Bon Bon murmured.
"Word of advice, babycakes. If you're looking to stave off some pounds, a candy factory ain't the place to be." Tall Goon winked at her, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.
"Hhllpp!!" Bon Bon yelled behind her taped lips. She writhed and strained to break herself out of the bubblegum she was trapped in, but the sticky candy prison held firm.
Bon Bon sighed through her nose as she twisted and wriggled on the ground to find some slack in her bindings. As she continued to work on freeing herself, her thoughts went to Lyra, who was hopefully with the rest of the tour group on their way to the parking lot. If Bon Bon didn't meet back up with her, Lyra would undoubtedly go back into the factory to find her, where those creepy goons could end up nabbing her too.
Wherever you are, Lyra, stay safe, Bon Bon thought worriedly as she redoubled her efforts to escape. If those motherbuckers so much as laid one finger on Lyra, no amount of bubblegum in the world would hold her back from unleashing her wrath on them.