Never would have pegged Brit as a war-gaming enthusi…wait, no, that makes complete sense, actually.
Regardless, as renown as she is in Equestria I doubt she really has a figurine model made of her yet…it’s generally frowned upon to do so with living ponies…they may take umbrage at how they’re played.
However your dimension is a different kettle of fish.
These collectable figures (Without the copyright-infringing box, I might add) will be available exclusively at BUCK
Designed and modelled by SteveLynx and fabricated by Shapeways out of a durable resin: this little Britannia will guard your desks and shelves from any threat that may befall them (Provided she is given her allocated tea-breaks :P)
These models will be an exclusive item at BUCK at the price of £45.00. Only 20 have been made, however, so they are a very rare treasure indeed.
So if you haven’t bought your tickets yet and would like to get a chance of having your very own Lieutenant Warder Most Extraordinary of the Royal Fortress of the White Tower and the Royal Treasure Vaults (gasp…those guys really need to think of a shorter name) then head on over to the BUCK website where Standard, 20% Cooler and Summer Sun Celebration Tickets are still available…for now.
Regardless, as renown as she is in Equestria I doubt she really has a figurine model made of her yet…it’s generally frowned upon to do so with living ponies…they may take umbrage at how they’re played.
However your dimension is a different kettle of fish.
These collectable figures (Without the copyright-infringing box, I might add) will be available exclusively at BUCK
Designed and modelled by SteveLynx and fabricated by Shapeways out of a durable resin: this little Britannia will guard your desks and shelves from any threat that may befall them (Provided she is given her allocated tea-breaks :P)
These models will be an exclusive item at BUCK at the price of £45.00. Only 20 have been made, however, so they are a very rare treasure indeed.
So if you haven’t bought your tickets yet and would like to get a chance of having your very own Lieutenant Warder Most Extraordinary of the Royal Fortress of the White Tower and the Royal Treasure Vaults (gasp…those guys really need to think of a shorter name) then head on over to the BUCK website where Standard, 20% Cooler and Summer Sun Celebration Tickets are still available…for now.
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