Just a relatively quick one today, as I'm still feeling somewhat off-kilter and distracted.
To those of you who don't know her, this is Cypress — a doe who is a mapmaker by trade, and now lives in Ponyville after completing an epic journey in the form of a mission to Canterlot with five of her compatriots from her tribe.
And to answer the obvious question, yes, she is wearing a dog's collar complete with a brass tag that reads "#1 Goodest Girl." But she's not wrong. She is a very good girl, indeed. Relaxed, calm, loving, and affectionate beyond measure- these are all fine words with which to describe this pretty doe.
To answer the second, inevitable question; no, I will not be doing an NSFW version of this piece, nor for any of my other OCs. Her tail is down for a good reason, ladies and gentlemen.
If anyone else wants to draw such things with my characters, I have no problem with that at all, (I used to do occasional NSFW stuff,) just let me know and properly link and credit me as the owner of that particular character.
Just one very important caveat with this;
I most certainly do not have a fetish for such things, and while I'm not here to yuck your yums, and won't judge you- I personally find such things to be repulsive and vile, and don't like the idea of them being perpetrated upon my characters.
I'm sure that is a reasonable request.
This is something that keeps being dropped into my PMs by various people, and I just felt I needed to address it here publicly again.