TITLE=You've Got Magic
LYRICS=:::::Verse 1:::::\\
I think a lot of us look into the mirror\\
and don’t like what we see\\
but I’ve been thinking and learning\\
and friendship means looking past these things\\
so keep your head held high\\
and just stay by my side\\
‘cause I’ve been watching and waiting\\
and I think these things are worth saying\\
:::::Chorus 1:::::\\
you hold the door for me\\
you spend your time on me\\
we laugh hysterically\\
and I’ve been seeing\\
you’re always there for me\\
you see me honestly\\
I think there’s something, you have it\\
I think that you’ve got magic\\
:::::Verse 2:::::\\
you couldn’t be self-centered even if you tried\\
there’s something that I see inside\\
and you don’t know I’ve been watching\\
the way you fix people’s hurting\\
so stop the way you hate\\
the way you act because I see\\
something perfect in your smile\\
I know it’s worth it all worthwhile\\
:::::Chorus 2:::::\\
you hold the door for me\\
you spend your time on me\\
we laugh hysterically\\
and I’ve been seeing\\
you’re always there for me\\
you see me honestly\\
I think there’s something, you have it\\
I think that you’ve got magic\\
so come and follow me\\
while we breathe harmony\\
and find it’s meant to be\\
we’ve got what the world all needs\\
so take my hand ‘cause I\\
still need you by my side\\
we’ve found the point at last and\\
I think that we’ve got magic\\
so come and march with me\\
let’s spread this harmony\\
you’ll never be that far from me\\
even if we have to leave\\
so take my hand, let’s go\\
there’s something more I know\\
I think that you have it\\
I think that you’ve got magic \\
:::::Chorus 3:::::\\
you hold my heart, it helps\\
you share pieces of yourself\\
when I hurt you smile at me\\
and I think I see that\\
you never leave me there\\
we can always clear the air\\
I think there’s something, you have it\\
I think that you’ve got magic\\
:::::Chorus 4:::::\\
you hold the door for me\\
you spend your time on me\\
we laugh hysterically\\
and I’ve been seeing\\
you’re always there for me\\
you see me honestly\\
I think there’s something, you have it\\
I think that you’ve got magic
replaygain_track_gain=-3.61 dB
encoder=Lavf61.7.100 `
This fandom is super special, in my opinion.
released August 27, 2017