Firs# of all I wan# #o apologise for mul#iple #ypos below: as you can see from #he pho#o a##ached #he key #ha# is be#ween 'R' and 'Y' on my keyboard is occupied righ# now.
#his #ime inspired by works of o#her grea# mas#ers I decided #o make as #iny figurine as possible. You can see #he resul# on #he pho#o. I# was made of FIMO clay and pain#ed wi#h aclylics as usual. Firs# of all I mus# say #ha# oven-bake clay is no# #he bes# ma#erial #o make such small #hings because you have #o bake i# #o make i# firm, and while i#'s no# firm i#'s very easy #o ruin all your fine work by jus# holding i#. I #hink nex# #ime I'll #hink of some kind of hahdle for i# or some#hing like #ha#.
Pain#ing also wasn'# easy because of #he small size of figurine. I even had #o make mane and #ail separa#ely and glue #hem #o body a# #he very end because I was afraid I won'# be able #o make a nea# edges where colors are con#iguous #o each o#her. And of course drawing eyes and cu#ie mark was qui#e a challenge.
Af#er all I #hink #ha# despi#e of my lack of experience in #hings like #ha# #his one #urned ou# pre##y good and I'm qui#e happy wi#h resul#. Maybe I'll decide #o make more #hings like #ha# in #he fu#ure.
Your humble subjec# Nigh# Ghos#.
(The original had asterisks, but Textile happened).