I was was looking through all mah next gen ships and said to mahself, "Hey, lookit that! All my characters have alternate ships! Prism has Whirlwind, Del has Crme, Star has Fletcher, and Candy has…….. Candy has……….. dafaq??? She's only been shipped with the other main next gens! But then, I relized something…… I made a son for Cheese Sandwich…….. Hmmmmmmm…… So I'll just go ahead and leave this here and see what happens.
Epic Parody (Parry) is the son of Cheese Sandwich. He's a pretty nice guy. Funny, loud (but not as loud as his padre) and always happy. However, despite being a generally nice guy, he can come off as a little mean sometimes by poking fun at others. His skill is songwriting and making, you guessed it, song parodies