After his future caretaker thanked him for being so nice to her despite the two of them having only just met (as far as she knew), Twilight asked Spike to accompany her back to her house. "Just in case those fillies show up again." she added.
Spike agreed, and followed the unicorn filly along an all too familiar route into Canterlot's residential district. All the while though, there was something he felt he was forgetting and it silently frustrated him as per what it exactly was.
"Here we are! Come on in, there's somepony I want you to meet." Spike walked in through the door, as Twilight made her way to the kitchen. "Shiny, this is the boy that cheered me up. Spike, this is my BBBFF, Shining Armor."
Spike was now panicking internally, and was silently cursing himself for allowing this predicament to happen.
"I'm going to put these books upstairs. I'll be right back." she said before happily trotting up to her bedroom.
As the filly went up the stairs, Shining enveloped the dragon's tail with his magic and brought Spike up to his eye level, hanging him upside down.
"Been a long time since I've seen Twily with that much pep. But moving on."
"I'm not even going to ask what a young dragon like you is doing alone in Canterlot. But let me be perfectly clear on this. Twily means the world to me, and if you break her heart, then we're gonna have a problem. You got that?" Spike nodded back nervously, despite knowing that hopefully he wouldn't be in this time period for much longer. "Good."