
In the end the brony fandom is filled with weird people… autistic people, shy people, SoCal geeks, hipsters, artists, musicians, writers, trolls, white nights, gays, bisexuals, pans,aces, jerks, friends, the tasteless, liberals, conservatives, religious types, atheists… It seems like anyone can be a brony.
The concept of a serial killer brony scares me.
Because I use the fandom to meet new friedns. I have even met a few of them in real life.

I never imagine serial killers as being really artistic…
I always see them as one of those trolls that never comes up with anything original. I don't know… Like a Jeffery Daumier sort. Poor through shear apathy, socially and sexually repressed, a cocktail of phycological tendencies the create the perfect storm… Lurking somewhere in the fandom… Waiting to go to a con.
I don't know, I am not an expert, I just woke up an hour ago freaked out, and now this is hear… Has anyone else ever thought about this?


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