
My Little Sterelis Comic
Page 21 >>824360
Page 22 >> (You are here)
Page 23 >>

Author Comments 05/19/2014:
This comic was supposed to have another ending but do to the reason of "not flowing very well" I had to shelf it (I might use it later in this chapter)

I have mentioned it before and I will mention it again. The out put of chapter 2's comic will be a little slow due to the fact that not only am I vectoring the characters…but also the background as well. So it'll take time because I am doing double the work instead of just going online and getting a premade vector from some one else.

Everything in this page was vectored by my except for the last two panels.

Also, it's interesting to see these two freak out. On page 21, Jade was freaking out, but only because she was worried for Dan's well being. Lene freaked out on this page because she's paranoid that ponies will figure out who they really are. Gives you a small view about how their mind works. :P


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